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línea recta

English translation of línea recta

Straight line

The Spanish phrase 'línea recta' translates to 'straight line' in English. It describes an object or path that does not curve or bend in any direction, but rather continues on the same angle without changing. It often refers in geometry to the shortest distance between two points. The term is used commonly in daily conversations and also in various scientific and mathematical fields.

Example sentences using: línea recta

El árbol cayó en línea recta hacia el suelo.

English translation of El árbol cayó en línea recta hacia el suelo.

The tree fell straight towards the ground.

This phrase is describing how a tree fell down, moving directly and linearly towards the ground without curving or deviating.

Camina en línea recta hasta llegar a la iglesia.

English translation of Camina en línea recta hasta llegar a la iglesia.

Walk in a straight line until you reach the church.

This sentence is giving directions or an order to someone to go directly to the church without deviating from their path.

La línea recta es la distancia más corta entre dos puntos.

English translation of La línea recta es la distancia más corta entre dos puntos.

The straight line is the shortest distance between two points.

This phrase is explaining a geometric principle that the shortest path between two points is always a straight line.