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línea continua

English translation of línea continua

continuous line

The Spanish term 'línea continua' translates to 'continuous line' in English. It represents an unbroken, unending line that extends indefinitely. In conversations and contexts, it could refer to an ongoing series of events or actions. In visual arts or graphics, it refers to a line that does not break or ends. The term 'continuous' signifies something that is unceasing or uninterrupted. Therefore, 'línea continua' could function as a noun in many texts and is considered two separate words in Spanish.

Example sentences using: línea continua

No puedes cruzar una línea continua.

English translation of No puedes cruzar una línea continua.

You can't cross a continuous line.

This sentence is used in the context of road safety, where it's often illegal to cross continuous lane marking lines. It demonstrates the use of 'línea continua' to refer to a continuous line on the road.

La carretera tiene una línea doble continua.

English translation of La carretera tiene una línea doble continua.

The road has a double continuous line.

This sentence is used to describe the marking lines on a road. A 'línea doble continua' refers to a double continuous line which usually indicates a road where overtaking is prohibited.

Las líneas discontinuas indican los carriles de tránsito.

English translation of Las líneas discontinuas indican los carriles de tránsito.

Dashed lines indicate traffic lanes.

In this context, 'líneas discontinuas' refers to dashed lines that are often used to separate traffic lanes on roads. This sentence describes how these lines are used for traffic management.