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limitar al este

English translation of limitar al este

limit to the east

The phrase 'limitar al este' is a Spanish term that translates to 'limit to the east' in English. This phrase is commonly used in geographical contexts or descriptions to indicate a boundary or restriction towards the eastern direction. For example, a piece of land or country might 'limitar al este' with another geographical feature or area, showing its eastern boundaries. Knowledge of such phrases can be crucial in understanding descriptions or discussions involving directions, boundaries, or geographical locations.

Example sentences using: limitar al este

La propiedad que queremos comprar está limitada al este por un arroyo.

English translation of La propiedad que queremos comprar está limitada al este por un arroyo.

The property we want to buy is bordered to the east by a stream.

This sentence is talking about geographical boundaries. 'Limitar al este' is used here to describe that the eastern boundary of the property is a stream.

Nuestra ciudad se va a limitar al este con el nuevo estado que se está formando.

English translation of Nuestra ciudad se va a limitar al este con el nuevo estado que se está formando.

Our city will border to the east with the new state that is being formed.

This sentence is referring to political borders. The city in question will have its eastern limits adjacent to a new state that is being formed.

El mapa muestra que nuestro terreno está limitado al este por una cordillera.

English translation of El mapa muestra que nuestro terreno está limitado al este por una cordillera.

The map shows that our land is bordered to the east by a mountain range.

This phrase is about geographical features on a map. The plot of land in discussion has a mountain range as its eastern boundary.

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