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limarse las uñas

English translation of limarse las uñas

file your nails

The Spanish phrase 'limarse las uñas' translates to 'file your nails' in English. This term is commonly used in the context of manicure or self-care routines, where you use a special tool called a nail file to shape and smooth the edges of your nails. Practicing such routine can help maintaining healthy and well-groomed fingernails. 'Limarse' comes from 'lima' or 'file' in English, and 'uñas' translates into 'nails'. Therefore, the literal translation of 'limarse las uñas' would be 'to file the nails'.

Example sentences using: limarse las uñas

Ana decidió limarse las uñas antes de aplicar el esmalte.

English translation of Ana decidió limarse las uñas antes de aplicar el esmalte.

Ana decided to file her nails before applying the nail polish.

In this context, 'limarse las uñas' refers to the act of making the edges of the nails smooth using a nail file before applying nail polish.

No es bueno limarse las uñas muy a menudo, puede debilitarlas.

English translation of No es bueno limarse las uñas muy a menudo, puede debilitarlas.

It's not good to file your nails too often, it can weaken them.

This phrase refers to the advice against frequent nail filing, 'limarse las uñas', as it can cause the nails to become weaker over time.

Mi hermana siempre lleva una lima para limarse las uñas cuando lo necesita.

English translation of Mi hermana siempre lleva una lima para limarse las uñas cuando lo necesita.

My sister always carries a nail file to file her nails when she needs to.

In this example, 'limarse las uñas' is used to refer to the practice of having a nail file handy for personal grooming purposes when needed.

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