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English translation of licuación


The Spanish word 'licuación' refers to the process of making or becoming liquid. It can be related to the physical process where a solid substance changes its state to liquid due to temperature changes, or as a metaphor to describe anything that goes from a rigid or structured state to a more fluid or flexible one. In English, this term is referred to as 'liquefaction'.

Example sentences using: licuación

Estoy bebiendo una licuación de frutas.

English translation of Estoy bebiendo una licuación de frutas.

I am drinking a fruit smoothie.

In this context, the term 'licuación' is used to refer to a blended mix of fruits, typically referred to as a 'smoothie' in English.

Voy a preparar una licuación para el desayuno.

English translation of Voy a preparar una licuación para el desayuno.

I am going to prepare a smoothie for breakfast.

Here, 'licuación' is part of a future plan expressed by 'voy a preparar'. In English, we often use the term 'smoothie' to relate to healthy breakfast meals.

La licuación de piña es mi favorita.

English translation of La licuación de piña es mi favorita.

The pineapple smoothie is my favorite.

In this sentence, 'licuación' is used in the context of expressing personal preferences. Here, the speaker's favorite type of smoothie is the one made from pineapple.

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