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English translation of libre


The Spanish word for 'free' is 'libre'. It is mostly used in the same context as in English, representing the absence of constraint or cost. It can describe a person, a place, or a state of mind. However, 'libre' might not be used in situations where 'free' means without charge; 'gratis' would be more appropriate there.

Example sentences using: libre

Hoy el acceso es libre para todos.

English translation of Hoy el acceso es libre para todos.

Today access is free for everyone.

In this sentence, 'libre' means 'free', portraying the accessibility of something to everyone without any restrictions.

Estamos librando una lucha libre contra la injusticia.

English translation of Estamos librando una lucha libre contra la injusticia.

We are waging a free fight against injustice.

Here, 'libre' is used in the context of a 'free fight', metaphorically representing a struggle where there's no stipulated rules or restrictions in the fight against injustice.

Vivo una vida libre de estrés.

English translation of Vivo una vida libre de estrés.

I live a life free from stress.

In this context, 'libre de' is used to express the freedom from something, which in this case is stress, indicating a stress-free life.

El pájaro está libre en la naturaleza.

English translation of El pájaro está libre en la naturaleza.

The bird is free in nature.

Here, 'libre' represents the freedom of the bird in its natural habitat, away from any kind of confinement.

Es un software libre para todos.

English translation of Es un software libre para todos.

It's a free software for everyone.

In this example, 'libre' refers to something being available free of cost, illustrating the concept of open-source software that's accessible to everyone without any charges.

El libro es de dominio libre.

English translation of El libro es de dominio libre.

The book is in the public domain.

In this context, 'libre' is used to express that the book is 'free' or 'open' to the public, meaning it's not protected by copyright and can be used by anyone.

Tenemos una mesa libre para ustedes.

English translation of Tenemos una mesa libre para ustedes.

We have a free table for you.

Here, 'libre' is used to denote something being unoccupied or available, in this case, a table in a restaurant.

Ella tiene un espíritu libre.

English translation of Ella tiene un espíritu libre.

She has a free spirit.

In this example, 'libre' signifies the idea of freedom in the context of a person's spirit or nature, that is spontaneous and not constrained by norms.

La educación debe ser libre y accesible.

English translation of La educación debe ser libre y accesible.

Education should be free and accessible.

In this sentence, 'libre' emphasizes on the opinion that education should be freely available to all and not be a privilege.

Mañana tendré un día libre.

English translation of Mañana tendré un día libre.

Tomorrow I will have a free day.

In this context, 'libre' is used to express the absence of commitments or responsibilities on a particular day, meaning a day off or a free day.

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