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English translation of leyenda


The Spanish word 'leyenda' translates to 'legend' in English. A legend is typically a traditional story or group of stories told about a particular person or place. Often, these are considered historical but unauthenticated. In the same way, 'leyenda' in Spanish holds this meaning. It's a popular term in historical and cultural contexts, and can also be used to describe someone who is renowned, influential, or whose fame is well-known within a particular field.

Example sentences using: leyenda

La leyenda de la princesa es muy conocida en este país.

English translation of La leyenda de la princesa es muy conocida en este país.

The legend of the princess is well known in this country.

In this sentence, 'la leyenda de la princesa' translates directly to 'the legend of the princess'. This could be used in a context where there's a famous fable or story about a princess that everyone in a certain country is familiar with.

Hay una leyenda que dice que un tesoro está enterrado aquí.

English translation of Hay una leyenda que dice que un tesoro está enterrado aquí.

There is a legend that says that a treasure is buried here.

In this example, 'leyenda' is used in the context of a traditional story or myth which is widely told but cannot be proved, in this case, about a buried treasure. The phrase 'hay una leyenda que dice' can be literally translated to 'there is a legend that says'.

No soy un héroe, solo soy una leyenda.

English translation of No soy un héroe, solo soy una leyenda.

I'm not a hero, I'm just a legend.

Here, 'leyenda' is used to mean a person who is extremely famous in a way that people tell stories about them. The person is saying they are not a hero (someone who does brave actions), but rather a legend (someone who is the subject of stories, whether true or not).