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English translation of león


The lion is a species in the family Felidae and a member of the genus Panthera. It is most recognisable for its muscular, deep-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail.

Example sentences using: león

El león es el rey de la selva.

English translation of El león es el rey de la selva.

The lion is the king of the jungle.

This sentence uses the format 'El [noun] es el [noun] de la [noun]' which is Spanish for 'The [noun] is the [noun] of the [noun]'. It's a simple structure that helps students understand the roles of 'el' (the) and 'de' (of).

Mi animal favorito es el león.

English translation of Mi animal favorito es el león.

My favorite animal is the lion.

In Spanish, 'Mi animal favorito es' translates to 'My favorite animal is'. It helps in learning how to express preferences in Spanish.

El león ruge en la noche.

English translation of El león ruge en la noche.

The lion roars at night.

This sentence demonstrates how the verb 'ruge' (roars) is used in the present tense, which is an important grammar concept for beginners.

El león caza durante el día.

English translation of El león caza durante el día.

The lion hunts during the day.

This sentence helps to connect Spanish words to make a complete and meaningful sentence. The word 'durante' means 'during' which is a useful preposition in Spanish.

El león es un animal poderoso.

English translation of El león es un animal poderoso.

The lion is a powerful animal.

The word 'poderoso' is an adjective meaning 'powerful'. Adjective placement typically comes after the noun in Spanish language.

Veo un león en el zoológico.

English translation of Veo un león en el zoológico.

I see a lion at the zoo.

This phrase incorporates the verb 'veo' (I see) which is the first person of 'ver' (to see), an important verb for Spanish learners.

El león vive en África.

English translation of El león vive en África.

The lion lives in Africa.

This example shows the usage of 'vive' (lives) working as a verb in a sentence. Geographical names like 'Africa' are typically not translated.

El pelaje del león es dorado.

English translation of El pelaje del león es dorado.

The lion's fur is golden.

This sentence focuses on the Spanish possessive structure with 'del', which means 'of the' or 'from the', and the adjective 'dorado', meaning 'golden'.

El león tiene una melena grande.

English translation of El león tiene una melena grande.

The lion has a large mane.

This phrase helps to describe physical features using 'tiene una', meaning 'has a', and the adjective 'grande' meaning 'large'.

El león está en la cima de la cadena alimenticia.

English translation of El león está en la cima de la cadena alimenticia.

The lion is at the top of the food chain.

This sentence uses 'está en la cima de' which means 'is at the top of' to depict hierarchical relationships.