The Spanish word 'legalidad' translates to 'legality' in English. This term is mostly used in legal and law contexts to define the quality or state of being in accordance with the law. It is used to indicate the condition of an action, process or thing that is performed or exists according to the stipulations of the law. For example, discussing the 'legalidad' of a business transaction refers to ensuring it complies with all the judicial norms and regulations.
This is a matter of legality.
In this example, 'legalidad' is used to refer to the state of being in accordance with the law.
The legality of this contract is disputable.
Here, 'legalidad' refers to whether or not the contract is legal or lawful.
We are committed to legality in all our operations.
In this context, 'legalidad' means being legal, adhering to laws and regulations.