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lavarse los dientes

English translation of lavarse los dientes

Wash your teeth

The Spanish phrase 'lavarse los dientes' translates to 'brush your teeth' in English. It's a common phrase used to instruct or remind someone to clean their teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste, typically as part of a daily hygiene routine in the morning and evening. The literal translation is 'wash your teeth', but the normal English phrase is 'brush your teeth'.

Example sentences using: lavarse los dientes

Es importante lavarse los dientes después de cada comida.

English translation of Es importante lavarse los dientes después de cada comida.

It is important to brush your teeth after every meal.

This sentence highlights the importance of dental hygiene, stating that teeth must be brushed after every meal.

Antes de ir a la cama, debes lavarse los dientes.

English translation of Antes de ir a la cama, debes lavarse los dientes.

Before going to bed, you should brush your teeth.

This sentence is a recommendation for a healthy routine that includes brushing your teeth before going to sleep.

Mi mama siempre dice, 'no olvides lavarse los dientes'.

English translation of Mi mama siempre dice, 'no olvides lavarse los dientes'.

My mom always says, 'do not forget to brush your teeth'.

This sentence expresses a universal experience of parental advice to maintain good dental hygiene by not forgetting to brush your teeth.

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