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lavarse la cara

English translation of lavarse la cara

wash your face

'Lavarse la cara' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'wash your face' in English. It is derived from the verb 'lavarse' which means 'to wash oneself', and 'la cara' which means 'the face'. This phrase is often used as a part of daily routine conversations and instructions, similar to how one might use 'wash your face' in English.

Example sentences using: lavarse la cara

Es importante lavarse la cara dos veces al día.

English translation of Es importante lavarse la cara dos veces al día.

It's important to wash your face twice a day.

This sentence is instructing the importance of personal hygiene, specifically washing your face twice daily. The verb 'lavarse' is a reflexive verb, meaning the action is done to oneself. 'La cara' directly translates to 'the face'.

Ella ama lavarse la cara con agua fría por la mañana.

English translation of Ella ama lavarse la cara con agua fría por la mañana.

She loves to wash her face with cold water in the morning.

In this example, the subject 'Ella' is demonstrating a preference or habit of washing her face with cold water in the morning. The reflexive verb 'lavarse' is used to indicate she is performing this action on herself.

Después del gimnasio, necesito lavarse la cara.

English translation of Después del gimnasio, necesito lavarse la cara.

After the gym, I need to wash my face.

This sentence represents an action following an event. The subject 'I' feels the need to wash their face (lavarse la cara) after attending the gym, indicating cause and effect. The reflexive verb 'lavarse' once again shows the action is performed by the subject upon themselves.

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