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lavarse el pelo

English translation of lavarse el pelo

wash your hair

The Spanish phrase 'lavarse el pelo' translates to 'wash your hair' in English. This is usually used in the context of daily hygiene and personal care. It's a reflexive verb phrase, meaning you're performing the action on yourself.

Example sentences using: lavarse el pelo

Cada mañana, antes de ir a trabajo, necesito lavarme el pelo.

English translation of Cada mañana, antes de ir a trabajo, necesito lavarme el pelo.

Every morning, before going to work, I need to wash my hair.

This example sentence explains the person's daily routine where they wash their hair every morning before leaving for work.

Como tengo el pelo graso, me conviene lavarme el pelo a diario.

English translation of Como tengo el pelo graso, me conviene lavarme el pelo a diario.

Since I have oily hair, it is advisable for me to wash my hair daily.

In this example, the person describes their hair type as oily and states why it is recommended for them to wash their hair daily.

No puedo salir esta noche si no me lavo el pelo.

English translation of No puedo salir esta noche si no me lavo el pelo.

I can't go out tonight if I don't wash my hair.

This sentence illustrates that the speaker believes it's important to wash their hair before going out, insinuating that they want to look their best or meet a certain personal standard.

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