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(las) afueras

English translation of (las) afueras

(the) outside

(Las) Afueras is a Spanish noun which generally refers to areas that are outside or on the periphery of a town or city. It's the plural form and is usually preceded by the definite article 'las'. The translation of '(las) afueras' into English is '(the) outskirts' or '(the) outside'. When used in context, it gives the idea of being located away from the center or main parts of a city.

Example sentences using: (las) afueras

Me gusta pasear por las afueras.

English translation of Me gusta pasear por las afueras.

I like walking on the outskirts.


Las afueras de Madrid son tranquilas.

English translation of Las afueras de Madrid son tranquilas.

The outskirts of Madrid are quiet.

The phrase is describing the peaceful nature of areas outside of Madrid's city center.

Las afueras del pueblo tienen un encanto especial.

English translation of Las afueras del pueblo tienen un encanto especial.

The outskirts of the town have a special charm.

This example shows the use of '(las) afueras' to describe the outskirts of a smaller area like a town, not only a city.

La casa está ubicada en las afueras.

English translation of La casa está ubicada en las afueras.

The house is located on the outskirts.

'(Las) afueras' is used here to specify the location of a house relative to a certain place (not specified in the example).

Las afueras pueden ser más agradables que el centro de la ciudad.

English translation of Las afueras pueden ser más agradables que el centro de la ciudad.

The outskirts can be more pleasant than the city center.

It is used to compare '(las) afueras' with the city center in terms of their relative pleasantness.

El parque está en las afueras de la ciudad.

English translation of El parque está en las afueras de la ciudad.

The park is on the outskirts of the city.

'(Las) afueras' is used to give information about the location of a park.

El transporte a las afueras es bastante limitado.

English translation of El transporte a las afueras es bastante limitado.

Transportation to the outskirts is quite limited.

This example uses '(las) afueras' to express a limitation of services.

Las afueras son ideales para escapar del ruido.

English translation of Las afueras son ideales para escapar del ruido.

The outskirts are ideal for escaping from the noise.

The sentence is suggesting that '(las) afueras' are a good place to find peace and quiet.

Las afueras de Barcelona brindan magníficas vistas al mar.

English translation of Las afueras de Barcelona brindan magníficas vistas al mar.

The outskirts of Barcelona provide magnificent sea views.

Here, '(las) afueras' are associated with a positive attribute, i.e. offering great views.

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