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English translation of laguna


The Spanish word 'laguna' translates to 'lagoon' in English. The term can be used specifically to denote coastal water bodies separated from the larger sea by a barrier such as a sandbar, coral reef or barrier island. Similarly, in Spanish contexts, 'laguna' could also be used to refer to smaller water bodies such as a pond.

Example sentences using: laguna

La laguna es muy tranquila al amanecer.

English translation of La laguna es muy tranquila al amanecer.

The lagoon is very peaceful at dawn.

In this example, 'La laguna' refers to the lagoon or a body of water separated from a larger body of water(like sea or ocean) by a barrier such as a sandbar or coral reef. 'Es muy tranquila al amanecer' means it is very peaceful at dawn. This phrase could typically be used to describe a natural scenery or setting.

Vimos un hermoso flamenco rosa en la laguna.

English translation of Vimos un hermoso flamenco rosa en la laguna.

We saw a beautiful pink flamingo in the lagoon.

This sentence is sharing an observation, specifically, seeing a beautiful pink flamingo in the lagoon. 'Vimos' is the first person plural past tense of 'ver' which means 'to see'. 'Hermoso' and 'rosa' are adjectives describing the flamingo, which was in 'la laguna'.

Vamos a explorar la laguna en kayak este fin de semana.

English translation of Vamos a explorar la laguna en kayak este fin de semana.

We're going to explore the lagoon in a kayak this weekend.

The phrase is indicating a future plan of exploring the lagoon in a kayak. 'Vamos a' is often used to indicate an intent or a future plan. 'Explorar' means 'to explore'. 'Este fin de semana' specifies the time of the plan, which is 'this weekend'.

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