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ladera escarpada

English translation of ladera escarpada

the steep hillside

The Spanish phrase 'ladera escarpada' translates to 'steep hillside' in English. It encompasses two concepts: 'ladera', which means side or slope of a mountain or hill, and 'escarpada', which means sharp, steep or precipitous. Combined, 'ladera escarpada' vividly describes a hill or mountain slope that is dramatically and sharply inclined, making it more challenging to traverse. This phrase can be used in geographical contexts or to metaphorically describe uphill challenges.

Example sentences using: ladera escarpada

Me di cuenta de la belleza de la ladera escarpada mientras escalaba la montaña.

English translation of Me di cuenta de la belleza de la ladera escarpada mientras escalaba la montaña.

I noticed the beauty of the steep hillside while climbing the mountain.

This sentence shows an instance where the speaker appreciates the beauty of a steep hillside, or 'ladera escarpada' when undertaking an activity like mountain climbing.

La casa estaba ubicada en la ladera escarpada, proporcionando una vista impresionante.

English translation of La casa estaba ubicada en la ladera escarpada, proporcionando una vista impresionante.

The house was located on the steep hillside, providing a stunning view.

This sentence illustrates a case where a house is located on a steep hillside, or 'ladera escarpada', which in this context provides an impressive view of the surroundings. This can likely be a situation in hilly or mountainous regions.

La ladera escarpada de la montaña era peligrosa para los escaladores inexpertos.

English translation of La ladera escarpada de la montaña era peligrosa para los escaladores inexpertos.

The steep hillside of the mountain was dangerous for inexperienced climbers.

This sentence paints a scenario where the steep hillside, 'ladera escarpada' in Spanish, of a mountain, can pose a risk to climbers who lack experience, underscoring the need for caution and preparation when tackling such terrains.