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justicia social

English translation of justicia social

Social justice

The term 'justicia social' in Spanish translates to 'social justice' in English. It refers to the equal distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. It encompasses notions of fairness, equity, and human rights. It advocates for creating and promoting just relationships among individuals in society, ensuring that every individual gets equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Just like in English, 'justicia social' in Spanish is often a central theme in discussions related to politics, education, healthcare, and other societal structures.

Example sentences using: justicia social

La justicia social es un valor fundamental para una colectividad pacífica y próspera.

English translation of La justicia social es un valor fundamental para una colectividad pacífica y próspera.

Social justice is a fundamental value for a peaceful and prosperous community.

This phrase explains the importance of social justice in building a peaceful and prosperous society. It highlights that social justice is not an isolated concept but a key element in shaping a better community.

El movimiento sindical lucha por justicia social.

English translation of El movimiento sindical lucha por justicia social.

The trade union movement fights for social justice.

This phrase speaks about the role of trade unions in advocating for social justice. It emphasizes that organizations like trade unions play a vital part in the fight for social justice and equality.

La educación es la herramienta más poderosa para lograr la justicia social.

English translation of La educación es la herramienta más poderosa para lograr la justicia social.

Education is the most powerful tool to achieve social justice.

This phrase underlines the critical role of education in achieving social justice. It implies that through education, individuals become aware of social inequalities, and are better equipped to challenge and break down these barriers.