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English translation of juicio


The Spanish word 'juicio' has several meanings in English, one of which is 'trial'. It relates to a formal examination of a case in a court of law. 'Juicio' is a noun, most commonly used in legal contexts. It represents the process where a judge or jury examines the evidence and arguments presented by opposing parties to come to a decision or verdict.

Example sentences using: juicio

El juicio duró varios días.

English translation of El juicio duró varios días.

The trial lasted several days.

This sentence is talking about a court trial that has extended over several days. 'El juicio' means 'the trial', 'duró' means 'lasted' and 'varios días' means 'several days'.

Perdió el juicio después del accidente.

English translation of Perdió el juicio después del accidente.

He lost his sanity after the accident.

In this context, 'juicio' is used to imply mental capacity or sanity. 'Perdió el juicio' translates to 'he lost his sanity'. The phrase as a whole suggests that the person has not been themselves or they have been acting strangely after the accident.

En mi juicio, esto es incorrecto.

English translation of En mi juicio, esto es incorrecto.

In my judgement, this is incorrect.

'En mi juicio' means 'in my judgement', it's a Spanish expression used when someone wants to express their opinion or point of view about an issue. In this case, the speaker is expressing their opinion that something is incorrect.