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juez instructor

English translation of juez instructor

investigating judge

The Spanish term 'juez instructor' translates to 'investigating judge' in English. An investigating judge, in legal terminology, refers to a judge who is responsible for conducting investigations into serious crimes. The investigating judge is often responsible for collecting evidence, conducting necessary inquiries, and evaluating whether there is sufficient proof to justify a prosecution and move forward with a court trial. This is a very important role within the legal systems of several Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences using: juez instructor

El juez instructor ha ordenado la investigación.

English translation of El juez instructor ha ordenado la investigación.

The investigating judge has ordered the investigation.

In this sentence, the investigating judge is responsible for ordering an investigation. This is a common legal procedure in Spanish-speaking countries, where a juez instructor leads a criminal investigation and decides whether the case should go to trial.

El juez instructor analiza las pruebas presentadas en el caso.

English translation of El juez instructor analiza las pruebas presentadas en el caso.

The investigating judge analyzes the evidence presented in the case.

This sentence indicates one of the main duties of an investigating judge, which is to carefully examine the evidence in a case. The objective of this examination is to determine if there is enough legal basis to proceed with formal charges against the defendant.

El juez instructor está en la sala de evidencia recopilando más pruebas.

English translation of El juez instructor está en la sala de evidencia recopilando más pruebas.

The investigating judge is in the evidence room gathering more evidence.

This sentence implies that the investigating judge is very involved in the process of fact-finding in criminal investigations. He or she might personally visit the evidence room to gather more pieces of evidence, which indicates their active role in the investigation.