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juez de menores

English translation of juez de menores

juvenile judge

The term 'juez de menores' in Spanish refers to a 'juvenile judge' in English. It is a legal term, used to designate a judge who presides over cases that involve persons under the age of majority, usually understood to be 18 years of age in most countries. These cases often involve matters of delinquency, dependency, or other legal issues concerning minors.

Example sentences using: juez de menores

El juez de menores dictaminó en favor del niño.

English translation of El juez de menores dictaminó en favor del niño.

The juvenile judge ruled in favor of the child.

In this sentence, a ruling or decision made by a juvenile judge concerning a child is being described, illustrating how the position can directly affect children's welfare in legal situations.

Esos asuntos son competencia del juez de menores.

English translation of Esos asuntos son competencia del juez de menores.

Those matters are the responsibility of the juvenile judge.

Within this context, it is made apparent that certain situations or matters are under the jurisdiction of a juvenile judge. It implies that given issues specifically involve or affect minors, and are therefore dealt with separately, by a specialized court personnel.

El juez de menores estudiará el caso antes de tomar una decisión.

English translation of El juez de menores estudiará el caso antes de tomar una decisión.

The juvenile judge will study the case before making a decision.

The process of a juvenile judge's decision making is described here. It emphasizes that through thorough examination and consideration of a case, informed and fair judgments can be made on behalf of minors involved in legal proceedings.