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juez de lo civil

English translation of juez de lo civil

civil justice

The Spanish term 'juez de lo civil' translates to 'civil justice' in English. It refers to a judge who specializes in civil law, mainly handling cases that involve private disputes between parties - individuals or organizations. These disputes can range from contracts, property ownership, divorce proceedings, family law, and more. In contrast to criminal law, where the state prosecutes an individual, in civil law cases, the plaintiff is usually seeking some type of compensation from the defendant.

Example sentences using: juez de lo civil

El juez de lo civil dictaminó sobre el caso de propiedad.

English translation of El juez de lo civil dictaminó sobre el caso de propiedad.

The civil judge ruled on the property case.

This sentence is used to refer to a specific situation where the civil judge, or 'juez de lo civil', had made a judgement or ruling in a property-related case. It implies that the judge has the authority to make such decisions.

Para esta disputa, se requiere un juez de lo civil.

English translation of Para esta disputa, se requiere un juez de lo civil.

For this dispute, a civil judge is required.

This sentence expresses the necessity for a civil judge, or 'juez de lo civil', in a certain dispute. Such disputes usually involve private matters between individuals or organizations, excluding criminal, military, and religious affairs.

El juez de lo civil declinó aceptar el soborno.

English translation of El juez de lo civil declinó aceptar el soborno.

The civil judge refused to accept the bribe.

This phrase indicates a situation where a civil judge, 'juez de lo civil', is offered a bribe, but declines it. It implies the judge's integrity and unwillingness to compromise their ethical principles.