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English translation of jerarquía


The Spanish word 'jerarquía' translates to 'hierarchy' in English. It is a noun that typically refers to a system or organization in which people, groups or things are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. It can be used in various contexts, such as corporate, social, or religious structures. Much like in English, 'jerarquía' can also refer to a sequence or ordering of items in terms of importance, significance, or precedence.

Example sentences using: jerarquía

La jerarquía en la Iglesia Católica va desde el papa hasta los monjes regulares.

English translation of La jerarquía en la Iglesia Católica va desde el papa hasta los monjes regulares.

The hierarchy in the Catholic Church goes from the Pope down to regular monks.


La jerarquía en una empresa importa mucho para clarificar las roles y responsabilidades.

English translation of La jerarquía en una empresa importa mucho para clarificar las roles y responsabilidades.

The hierarchy in a company matters a lot to clarify roles and responsibilities.

This sentence is referring to the importance of having a clear hierarchy in a company. This is essential in defining each individual's roles and responsibilities, and in clarifying lines of authority.

En la jerarquía de necesidades de Maslow, las necesidades básicas vienen primero.

English translation of En la jerarquía de necesidades de Maslow, las necesidades básicas vienen primero.

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, basic needs come first.

This sentence is referring to Maslow's theory of motivation, which is often represented as a pyramid. The most basic needs, like food and shelter, are located at the bottom of the pyramid, meaning they must be satisfied first.