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English translation of jabón


The word 'jabón' is a common noun in Spanish which translates to 'soap' in English. It's a term that you'll likely hear or use in daily conversation, particularly when discussing hygiene or cleaning. 'Jabón' might refer to things such as a bar of soap you use for washing your hands or a liquid soap used for washing dishes.

Example sentences using: jabón

Necesito comprar jabón para la ducha.

English translation of Necesito comprar jabón para la ducha.

I need to buy soap for the shower.

This sentence is an example of expressing a need or requirement in Spanish. 'Necesito' translates to 'I need', 'comprar' to 'buy', 'para' indicates purpose, so 'para la ducha' means 'for the shower'.

Me gusta el olor de este jabón.

English translation of Me gusta el olor de este jabón.

I like the smell of this soap.

This sentence is used to express personal preferences in Spanish. 'Me gusta' translates to 'I like', 'el olor' means 'the smell', 'de este' translates to 'of this', so combined, 'Me gusta el olor de este jabón' becomes 'I like the smell of this soap'.

El jabón está en la estantería.

English translation of El jabón está en la estantería.

The soap is on the shelf.

This sentence is used to describe the location of an object in Spanish. 'El' is a definite article equivalent to 'the', 'está en' translates to 'is on', 'la estantería' translates to 'the shelf'. So, 'El jabón está en la estantería' becomes 'The soap is on the shelf'.

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