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English translation of ironía


The Spanish word 'ironía' translates to 'irony' in English. It is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is actually said. It is often used to emphasize the absurdity or discrepancy of a situation. For instance, if it's a sunny day and someone says it's raining, it is considered ironic because the reality is opposite to what is stated.

Example sentences using: ironía

La vida está llena de ironía.

English translation of La vida está llena de ironía.

Life is full of irony.

In this sentence, 'ironía' is used in a broader sense to explain situations in life, where outcomes often happen in the opposite way to what people want or expect, hence, leading to 'irony' or 'ironía'.

Su ironía hizo la conversación más interesante.

English translation of Su ironía hizo la conversación más interesante.

His irony made the conversation more interesting.

In this context, 'ironía' is used to describe a situation where a person uses words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning, which increased the interest level of the conversation.

A veces, la ironía es una forma efectiva de expresar descontento.

English translation of A veces, la ironía es una forma efectiva de expresar descontento.

Sometimes, irony is an effective way to express discontent.

In this example, 'ironía' is used to explain a circumstance where a person uses irony, expressing the opposite of literal intent, to effectively demonstrate dissatisfaction or discontent.