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ir a misa

English translation of ir a misa

go to mass

The phrase 'ir a misa' in Spanish translates to 'go to mass' in English. It is an idiomatic expression that is used to describe the action of attending a Catholic religious ceremony known as mass. This phrase can broadly be used in general conversations, and would mainly be understood by Spanish speakers who are familiar with Catholic Church activities or events.

Example sentences using: ir a misa

Todos los domingos, Juan y su familia suelen ir a misa.

English translation of Todos los domingos, Juan y su familia suelen ir a misa.

Every Sunday, Juan and his family usually go to mass.

This phrase demonstrates the use of 'ir a misa' in a routine or habitual context. Here, 'ir a misa' is an action that Juan and his family regularly undertake every Sunday.

Hoy vamos a ir a misa por la mañana en lugar de por la tarde.

English translation of Hoy vamos a ir a misa por la mañana en lugar de por la tarde.

Today we are going to go to mass in the morning instead of in the afternoon.

In this sentence, 'ir a misa' is used to indicate a change in the usual timing of the activity. The action of going to mass is being moved to the morning, as opposed to its usual time in the afternoon.

A pesar de que llovió fuerte, decidieron ir a misa.

English translation of A pesar de que llovió fuerte, decidieron ir a misa.

Even though it rained heavily, they decided to go to mass.

This sentence uses 'ir a misa' to demonstrate determination or perseverance. Despite the heavy rain, the subjects of the sentence still decided to partake in the action of going to mass.