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ir a la sinagoga

English translation of ir a la sinagoga

go to the synagogue

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la sinagoga' translates to 'go to the synagogue' in English. This phrase is typically used when one is expressing the act of going to a synagogue for worship or other religious activities. In Spanish, 'ir' means 'go', 'a' is a preposition that generally means 'to', 'la' is a definite article that translates to 'the', and 'sinagoga' is the noun referring to a 'synagogue'. Therefore, when these words are put together, they mean 'go to the synagogue'.

Example sentences using: ir a la sinagoga

Voy a ir a la sinagoga con mi familia este Sábado.

English translation of Voy a ir a la sinagoga con mi familia este Sábado.

I will go to the synagogue with my family this Saturday.

The subject 'Voy' means 'I will'. The phrase 'ir a la sinagoga' means 'go to the synagogue', and 'con mi familia este Sábado', means 'with my family this Saturday'. This sentence structure indicates future intents.

Para celebrar Hanukkah, todos los años suelo ir a la sinagoga.

English translation of Para celebrar Hanukkah, todos los años suelo ir a la sinagoga.

To celebrate Hanukkah, every year I usually go to the synagogue.

In this context, 'Para celebrar Hanukkah' means 'To celebrate Hanukkah'. 'Todos los años' translates to 'every year'. 'Suelo ir a la sinagoga' can be interpreted as 'I usually go to the synagogue'. This sentence demonstrates a habitual annual event.

¿Puedes ir a la sinagoga a recoger los libros de oración?

English translation of ¿Puedes ir a la sinagoga a recoger los libros de oración?

Can you go to the synagogue to pick up the prayer books?

This sentence is a question, evident by the opening question mark '?'. 'Puedes ir a la sinagoga' translates to 'Can you go to the synagogue'. 'A recoger los libros de oración?' translates to 'to pick up the prayer books?'. This sentence is providing a direct and simple request or command to the receiver of the message.