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ir a la playa

English translation of ir a la playa

go to the beach

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la playa' translates to 'go to the beach' in English. It combines the verb 'ir', which means 'to go', with the preposition 'a', which means 'to', and the noun phrase 'la playa', which means 'the beach'. It expresses an action of traveling or moving to a beach.

Example sentences using: ir a la playa

Voy a ir a la playa este fin de semana si el tiempo lo permite.

English translation of Voy a ir a la playa este fin de semana si el tiempo lo permite.

I'm going to go to the beach this weekend if the weather allows it.

This sentence is in the future tense, with the subject expressing a conditional yet definite intention or plan to go to the beach, depending on the weather.

Preferiría ir a la playa en lugar de ir al cine.

English translation of Preferiría ir a la playa en lugar de ir al cine.

I would prefer to go to the beach instead of going to the movies.

This sentence uses the conditional tense to express the speaker's preference for the beach over the cinema, suggesting a hypothetical choice or situation.

Puedes llevar tu sombrero cuando vayas a ir a la playa.

English translation of Puedes llevar tu sombrero cuando vayas a ir a la playa.

You can take your hat when you're going to go to the beach.

This sentence advises the listener about something they can do in preparation for a future event. 'Puedes' is a polite way of giving permission or making suggestions in Spanish.

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