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English translation of inyección


The Spanish word 'inyección' translates to 'injection' in English. It is a noun often used in a medical context. It refers to the act or process of introducing a substance into the body, usually with a needle and syringe. This substance can be a medicine or a vaccination. 'Inyección' can also refer to the act or an instance of injecting, or something that is injected, in a non-medical context as well.

Example sentences using: inyección

La enfermera preparó la inyección para el paciente.

English translation of La enfermera preparó la inyección para el paciente.

The nurse prepared the injection for the patient.

This sentence describes a scenario where a nurse is preparing an injection for a patient. The verb 'preparó' (prepared) indicates past tense, suggesting the action has already occurred.

Gustavo tiene miedo de las inyecciones.

English translation of Gustavo tiene miedo de las inyecciones.

Gustavo is afraid of injections.

In this sentence, Gustavo expresses a fear (tiene miedo) of injections (las inyecciones). Words like 'miedo' (fear) can be used to express emotions in Spanish.

¿Dónde está la inyección que compré ayer?

English translation of ¿Dónde está la inyección que compré ayer?

Where is the injection that I bought yesterday?

This sentence is posing a question about the location of an injection that the speaker indicates they purchased (compré) the day before (ayer). Questions in Spanish often start with an inverted question mark (¿).

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