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English translation of investigar


The Spanish word 'investigar' translates to 'investigate' in English. It is primarily used as a verb and can be related to explore, inquire or examine something closely and carefully with the aim of discovering something new. This could reference to various contexts such as scientific, analytic or detective work where thorough analysis or evaluation is required to gain insight or uncover facts or details otherwise unknown.

Example sentences using: investigar

Necesitamos investigar más acerca de este tema.

English translation of Necesitamos investigar más acerca de este tema.

We need to investigate more about this topic.

In this sentence, 'investigar' is used to express the need for a deeper understanding or more knowledge about a certain topic. It is used in a context where more research, study or inquiry is deemed necessary.

El detective está decidido a investigar el caso hasta el final.

English translation of El detective está decidido a investigar el caso hasta el final.

The detective is determined to investigate the case to the end.

In this sentence, 'investigar' denotes the detective's intention to thoroughly look into or examine the details of a case until a conclusion is reached. It suggests a systematic or formal study to uncover the truth.

Es importante investigar antes de comprar un producto.

English translation of Es importante investigar antes de comprar un producto.

It is important to investigate before buying a product.

In this sentence, 'investigar' refers to the advised action of doing research or gathering information before making a purchase. This might involve reading reviews, comparing prices, checking quality, etc.

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