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English translation of inversión


Investment refers to the action or process of investing money for profit. In business, it may also refer to purchasing goods or services with the expectation of earning a profit or increasing operational capabilities.

Example sentences using: inversión

La inversión en educación es muy importante.

English translation of La inversión en educación es muy importante.

Investment in education is very important.

This sentence highlights the importance of investing in education. In Spanish, 'inversión' is often used in contexts related to financial or resource commitment, like it is used in English.

Mi inversión en acciones ha crecido este año.

English translation of Mi inversión en acciones ha crecido este año.

My investment in stocks has grown this year.

This sentence talks about growth in financial investment in the domain of stock market. 'Inversión' in this context refers to the money that someone has put into buying stocks.

Voy a hacer una inversión en bienes raíces.

English translation of Voy a hacer una inversión en bienes raíces.

I'm going to make an investment in real estate.

This sentence is about the intention to invest in real estate. 'Inversión' here refers to allocating money or resources with expectations of future benefits, specifically in real estate.

La inversión de tiempo en el estudio rendirá frutos.

English translation of La inversión de tiempo en el estudio rendirá frutos.

The investment of time in study will bear fruit.

In this phrase, 'inversión' refers not to money, but to time spent (invested) in studying. This highlights that 'inversión' can refer to investing not just money, but other resources too.

El banco ofreció buenas tasas de inversión.

English translation of El banco ofreció buenas tasas de inversión.

The bank offered good investment rates.

This phrase discusses bank investment rates, which determines how much return you'll get on your investment, indicated by 'tasas de inversión'.

La inversión inicial para este negocio es alta.

English translation of La inversión inicial para este negocio es alta.

The initial investment for this business is high.

This sentence talks about the upfront capital or 'inversión inicial' required to start a business, which in this case is high.

La inversión en nueva tecnología es esencial para nuestro futuro.

English translation of La inversión en nueva tecnología es esencial para nuestro futuro.

Investment in new technology is essential for our future.

Here 'inversión' refers to putting resources into new technology, highlighting its importance for future growth and success.

Esta inversión puede tener un alto rendimiento.

English translation of Esta inversión puede tener un alto rendimiento.

This investment can have a high return.

This sentence tells about the potential high return (alto rendimiento) from an investment ('inversión').

Busco una inversión segura para mi dinero.

English translation of Busco una inversión segura para mi dinero.

I'm looking for a safe investment for my money.

This sentence expresses the person's desire to find a risk-free or low-risk way to increase their wealth. The term 'inversión segura' signifies secure or safe investment.

Hizo una gran inversión en su formación profesional.

English translation of Hizo una gran inversión en su formación profesional.

He made a big investment in his professional training.

The sentence talks about how someone has significantly invested ('gran inversión') in their own professional development, likely implying not just money, but time and effort as well.

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