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English translation of inundar(se)


The Spanish verb 'inundar(se)' is translated as 'to flood' or 'to flood oneself' in English. This word is generally utilized when a large amount of water overflows onto typically dry land. 'Inundar' is the regular form, but 'inundarse' is the reflexive form, which transmits the idea of 'to flood oneself', insinuating that the subject of the sentence does the action to itself. This can be used figuratively to indicate overwhelming situations or feelings that flood over a person, in addition to the literal flooding of water.

Example sentences using: inundar(se)

Si no paramos la deforestación, el pueblo puede inundarse.

English translation of Si no paramos la deforestación, el pueblo puede inundarse.

If we don't stop deforestation, the village can flood.

This sentence is a conditional sentence indicating a possible future event where the village could flood if deforestation is not stopped.

El río se desbordó e inundó el campo de cultivo.

English translation of El río se desbordó e inundó el campo de cultivo.

The river overflowed and flooded the crop field.

This sentence describes a past event where the river overflowed, causing an inundation in the crop field.

El agua de la lluvia amenaza con inundar el sótano.

English translation of El agua de la lluvia amenaza con inundar el sótano.

The rainwater threatens to flood the basement.

This sentence expresses a potential problem, indicating that the basement is in danger of flooding due to rainwater.

Para prevenir inundaciones, no debemos tirar basura en las calles.

English translation of Para prevenir inundaciones, no debemos tirar basura en las calles.

To prevent flooding, we should not throw garbage in the streets.

This sentence is giving an advice about not throwing trash in the streets to prevent flooding.

La ciudad se inundó después de tres días de lluvia fuerte.

English translation of La ciudad se inundó después de tres días de lluvia fuerte.

The city flooded after three days of heavy rain.

This sentence describes how three days of heavy rain resulted in the city flooding.

Los bomberos están preparados para inundar el edificio en llamas.

English translation of Los bomberos están preparados para inundar el edificio en llamas.

The firefighters are ready to flood the burning building.

This sentence explains how firefighters are preparing to flood a building that is on fire as a method to extinguish the fire.

Si no arreglamos la tubería, la cocina se va a inundar.

English translation of Si no arreglamos la tubería, la cocina se va a inundar.

If we don't fix the pipe, the kitchen is going to flood.

This sentence is a warning about a potential future event, indicating a possible flooding in the kitchen if the pipe is not fixed.

Juan se sorprendió al ver que el baño estaba inundado.

English translation of Juan se sorprendió al ver que el baño estaba inundado.

Juan was surprised to see that the bathroom was flooded.

This sentence describes a past event where Juan saw a flooded bathroom and was surprised.

Me temo que el huracán va a inundar nuestros caminos.

English translation of Me temo que el huracán va a inundar nuestros caminos.

I fear that the hurricane is going to flood our roads.

This sentence expresses a worry about a potential future event, specifically a hurricane causing flooding on roads.

Las presas ayudan a prevenir que los ríos inunden las ciudades.

English translation of Las presas ayudan a prevenir que los ríos inunden las ciudades.

Dams help prevent rivers from flooding the cities.

This statement explains the role of dams in preventing flood situations in cities.