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interpretación brillante

English translation of interpretación brillante

brilliant interpretation

The Spanish phrase 'interpretación brillante' translates to 'brilliant interpretation' in English. It is often used in contexts such as arts, literature, music and performances to highlight an exceptional understanding and delivery of someone's work. Just like in English, the word 'interpretación' refers to the action of explaining or making sense of something, and 'brillante' means shining or outstanding, often used to describe excellence.

Example sentences using: interpretación brillante

La interpretación brillante de Julia logró cautivar a la audiencia.

English translation of La interpretación brillante de Julia logró cautivar a la audiencia.

Julia's brilliant interpretation managed to captivate the audience.

In this sentence, 'interpretación brillante' is used to describe the exceptional performance of a person, Julia, in some activity where she needs to interpret, like acting or playing an instrument. The term illustrates the positive impact of her performance on the audience.

Por su interpretación brillante, ganó el premio al mejor actor.

English translation of Por su interpretación brillante, ganó el premio al mejor actor.

For his brilliant interpretation, he won the best actor award.

This sentence uses 'interpretación brillante' to explain the reason why the person won the best actor award. It implies the person's performance or interpretation was outstanding or superb.

A pesar de la interpretación brillante, la película no logró impresionar a los críticos.

English translation of A pesar de la interpretación brillante, la película no logró impresionar a los críticos.

Despite the brilliant interpretation, the movie failed to impress the critics.

In this instance, 'interpretación brillante' is used to contrast the excellent performance or interpretation in the movie with its inability to impress critics. This highlights that sometimes, even a great performance may not be enough in the eyes of critics.

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