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inteligencia artificial

English translation of inteligencia artificial

Artificial Intelligence

The term 'inteligencia artificial', in English, refers to 'artificial intelligence'. This is a multidisciplinary field in computer science that focuses on creating systems or machines capable of exhibiting human-like intelligence. These systems are designed to solve complex problems, learn from experience, understand human language, recognize patterns, and adapt to new inputs. The field of artificial intelligence includes various subcategories such as machine learning, neural networks, robotics, etc.

Example sentences using: inteligencia artificial

La inteligencia artificial es una de las ramas más prometedoras de la tecnología.

English translation of La inteligencia artificial es una de las ramas más prometedoras de la tecnología.

Artificial intelligence is one of the most promising branches of technology.

This sentence is stating the significance of artificial intelligence in the technology field, mentioning it as one of the most promising areas.

Los avances en inteligencia artificial han impulsado la innovación en muchos sectores.

English translation of Los avances en inteligencia artificial han impulsado la innovación en muchos sectores.

Advances in artificial intelligence have driven innovation in many sectors.

The sentence explains the influence and contribution of progress in artificial intelligence to innovation across various sectors.

La inteligencia artificial puede suponer un desafío ético.

English translation of La inteligencia artificial puede suponer un desafío ético.

Artificial Intelligence can pose an ethical challenge.

The sentence alerts us to the ethical issues that can arise as a result of developing or using artificial intelligence.