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English translation of integrar

to integrate

The Spanish word 'integrar' translates to 'integrate' in English. In many contexts, it refers to the act of combining one thing with another to become a whole or make up a whole. It can be applied in various fields such as mathematics, business, and technology. For example, 'integrar' a team means to become a part of a team. In a broader social context, it can imply inclusion or incorporation of various elements into a whole. It's a verb and its forms change according to tense, mood, and who is being referred to.

Example sentences using: integrar

Es importante integrarse a la sala de estudio durante el primer año de universidad.

English translation of Es importante integrarse a la sala de estudio durante el primer año de universidad.

It is important to integrate into the study room during the first year of university.

The sentence talks about the necessity to become a part of a study group or to adapt to studying in the study room (library) during the first year in university. The word 'integrarse' here means joining or becoming a part of a group.

Estoy tratando de integrar los nuevos elementos a mi rutina de ejercicios.

English translation of Estoy tratando de integrar los nuevos elementos a mi rutina de ejercicios.

I am trying to integrate the new elements into my exercise routine.

In the context of this sentence, 'integrar' is used to mean adding or incorporating new elements or exercises into an existing routine. The speaker wants to make these new elements a regular part of his/her exercise regimen.

El profesor nos pidió que integremos nuestras ideas para el proyecto grupal.

English translation of El profesor nos pidió que integremos nuestras ideas para el proyecto grupal.

The teacher asked us to integrate our ideas for the group project.

In this sentence, 'integrar' is meant as combining different ideas into one unified concept for a group project. The idea of 'integrar' here is to create something cohesive out of diverse inputs.