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inspirar cariño

English translation of inspirar cariño

Inspire love

The Spanish phrase 'inspirar cariño' refers to the act of invoking or causing feelings of affection, love, or deep fondness in others. It might be used in contexts where someone's actions, behaviour, or general aura inspires love or warmth in people around them.

Example sentences using: inspirar cariño

Las personas humildes suelen inspirar cariño.

English translation of Las personas humildes suelen inspirar cariño.

Humble people usually inspire affection.

This example uses 'inspirar cariño' to express the idea that humble people often evoke affectionate feelings in others due to their modesty and openness.

Por alguna razón, la niñez parece siempre inspirar cariño.

English translation of Por alguna razón, la niñez parece siempre inspirar cariño.

For some reason, childhood always seems to inspire affection.

This sentence suggests that the innocence and vitality of childhood almost always induces feelings of affection in others.

El esfuerzo y la dedicación de los voluntarios puede inspirar cariño.

English translation of El esfuerzo y la dedicación de los voluntarios puede inspirar cariño.

The effort and dedication of volunteers can inspire affection.

In this context, 'inspirar cariño' is used to convey the idea that the passion and commitment of volunteers can draw affection and admiration from other people.

Los perros pequeños suelen inspirar cariño a las personas.

English translation of Los perros pequeños suelen inspirar cariño a las personas.

Small dogs usually inspire affection in people.

This sentence uses 'inspirar cariño' to express the fact that the cuteness and friendliness of small dogs often bring out feelings of love in people.

La manera en que ayuda a su comunidad logra inspirar cariño.

English translation of La manera en que ayuda a su comunidad logra inspirar cariño.

The way she helps her community manages to inspire affection.

Here, 'inspirar cariño' is used in the sense of evoking affection due to a person's admirable actions, in this case, their involvement in community service.

Es difícil no inspirar cariño cuando eres amable y considerado.

English translation of Es difícil no inspirar cariño cuando eres amable y considerado.

It is difficult not to inspire affection when you are kind and considerate.

Presenting the idea that being kind and considerate often leads others to feel affection for you, the term 'inspirar cariño' is used here.

La comida casera tiene la capacidad de inspirar cariño.

English translation of La comida casera tiene la capacidad de inspirar cariño.

Home-cooked food has the ability to inspire affection.

This example portrays 'inspirar cariño' as a feeling evoked by home-cooked food, associating it with warmth, love and care.

Esos viejos libros de cuentos siempre logran inspirar cariño.

English translation of Esos viejos libros de cuentos siempre logran inspirar cariño.

Those old storybooks always manage to inspire affection.

This sentence uses 'inspirar cariño' to explain the affection and nostalgia that can be brought on by old storybooks.

La sonrisa de un bebé tiene el poder de inspirar cariño.

English translation of La sonrisa de un bebé tiene el poder de inspirar cariño.

A baby's smile has the power to inspire affection.

This example presents the phrase 'inspirar cariño' in the context of a baby's smile invoking feelings of affection due to it being delightful and pure.

Ser genuino y sincero puede inspirar cariño en los demás.

English translation of Ser genuino y sincero puede inspirar cariño en los demás.

Being genuine and sincere can inspire affection in others.

In this context, 'inspirar cariño' is conveying how being real and honest can elicit feelings of affection from other people.

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