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inspirar afecto

English translation of inspirar afecto

inspire affection

The Spanish term 'inspirar afecto' translates into English as 'inspire affection'. Essentially, it is used to describe the act of evoking or inciting positive feelings or deep fondness in others. It could refer to a variety of actions, behaviors, attitudes, or qualities that make someone feel loved or deeply cared for. The term holds a strong emotional significance and fully embraces the concept of inspiring profound emotional admiration or fondness.

Example sentences using: inspirar afecto

Es difícil de ver cómo esta historia no podría inspirar afecto.

English translation of Es difícil de ver cómo esta historia no podría inspirar afecto.

It is difficult to see how this story could not inspire affection.

This phrase implies that the story being referred to is so moving that it would be surprising if it didn't make the listener feel affection.

Sus palabras generosas parecen siempre inspirar afecto.

English translation of Sus palabras generosas parecen siempre inspirar afecto.

Her generous words always seem to inspire affection.

In this sentence, the person's kind words are said to inspire feelings of affection in others.

Estos personajes de la película fueron diseñados para inspirar afecto.

English translation of Estos personajes de la película fueron diseñados para inspirar afecto.

These characters in the film were designed to inspire affection.

This phrase implies these movie characters have been created with the purpose of making the audience feel affectionate towards them.

Tu bondad natural puede inspirar afecto en cualquier persona.

English translation of Tu bondad natural puede inspirar afecto en cualquier persona.

Your natural kindness can inspire affection in anyone.

This sentence means that the person's inherent kindness has the ability to make anyone feel affectionate towards them.

Para inspirar afecto, los perros muestran su lealtad.

English translation of Para inspirar afecto, los perros muestran su lealtad.

To inspire affection, dogs show their loyalty.

This sentence means that dogs use their loyalty as a way to inspire affection from humans.

Crear una atmósfera agradable puede ayudar a inspirar afecto.

English translation of Crear una atmósfera agradable puede ayudar a inspirar afecto.

Creating a pleasant atmosphere can help to inspire affection.

This sentence means that creating a nice environment can foster feelings of affection.

Todos aquí contribuyen de alguna manera a inspirar afecto.

English translation of Todos aquí contribuyen de alguna manera a inspirar afecto.

Everyone here contributes in some way to inspire affection.

This phrase means that everyone in the specified place contributes in some way to creating feelings of affection.

Trato de inspirar afecto en todos los que conozco.

English translation of Trato de inspirar afecto en todos los que conozco.

I try to inspire affection in everyone I meet.

This sentence means the person is trying to make everyone they meet feel affectionate towards them.

El encanto de su risa tiene el poder de inspirar afecto.

English translation of El encanto de su risa tiene el poder de inspirar afecto.

The charm of her laugh has the power to inspire affection.

This suggests that the person's laughing is so charming that it can make anyone feel affectionate.

El comportamiento amable del niño logra inspirar afecto.

English translation of El comportamiento amable del niño logra inspirar afecto.

The child's kind behavior manages to inspire affection.

This implies the child's nice behavior makes people feel a sense of affection towards him/her.

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