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inspeccionar las maletas

English translation of inspeccionar las maletas

inspect the bags

The Spanish phrase 'inspeccionar las maletas' translates to 'inspect the bags' in English. This is a phrase commonly used in situations like airports or train stations where security personnel might need to check a passenger's luggage for any prohibited items. In this phrase, 'inspeccionar' is the verb that means 'to inspect' and 'las maletas' is a noun which translates to 'the bags. It is a regular verb of the -ar group, which means its conjugation follows a certain established pattern.

Example sentences using: inspeccionar las maletas

Antes de tomar el vuelo, los oficiales deben inspeccionar las maletas.

English translation of Antes de tomar el vuelo, los oficiales deben inspeccionar las maletas.

Before taking the flight, the officers must inspect the suitcases.

This sentence might be used in an airport context, where security officials inspect travellers' luggage for contraband or dangerous items. The verb 'inspeccionar' is placed in the middle of the sentence, showing that it can be flexibly used within Spanish syntax.

Es importante inspeccionar las maletas luego de un largo viaje.

English translation of Es importante inspeccionar las maletas luego de un largo viaje.

It is important to inspect the suitcases after a long trip.

This sentence might be used in a personal context, referring to the practice of checking the belongings in suitcases after returning from a trip to make sure everything is in place. The phrase 'inspeccionar las maletas' is used towards the beginning of the sentence in this context.

Por seguridad, necesitamos inspeccionar las maletas.

English translation of Por seguridad, necesitamos inspeccionar las maletas.

For safety, we need to inspect the suitcases.

This is another example set in the context of airport security or any setting where safety protocols require luggage inspection. 'Inspeccionar las maletas' is the main action in this sentence, placed after stating the reason for the action.