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English translation of injuria

to insult

The Spanish word 'injuria' translates to 'insult' in English. It is largely used to denote a disrespectful or scornful act or statement directed towards another person. In essence, it describes an action that offends or harms the dignity or honour of an individual. Therefore, 'injuria' signifies an act of rudeness or incivility, a derogatory comment or a slight that can potentially hurt someone's feelings or reputation.

Example sentences using: injuria

La injuria que me lanzó fue insoportable.

English translation of La injuria que me lanzó fue insoportable.

The insult she threw at me was unbearable.

The speaker expresses their experience of being insulted in a big way, using 'injuria' to denote a severe or grave insult. The phrase also communicates that the speaker found the insult quite unbearable.

Su carácter está lleno de injuria y odio.

English translation of Su carácter está lleno de injuria y odio.

His character is full of insult and hate.

The speaker in this example, uses 'injuria' to describe a person's character. It implies that the person often insult or belittle others and also has a lot of hatred.

El comentario es una clara injuria a sus habilidades.

English translation of El comentario es una clara injuria a sus habilidades.

The comment is a clear insult to his capabilities.

In this example, the speaker uses the word 'injuria' to express how a specific comment is demeaning to someone else's skills or abilities.