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infringir las normas de tráfico

English translation of infringir las normas de tráfico

violation of traffic regulations

The Spanish phrase 'infringir las normas de tráfico' is translated into English as 'violation of traffic regulations'. This phrase refers to the act of breaking or not adhering to the rules established for traffic or road use. In many parts of the world, traffic regulations are statutory requirements enacted by authorities to regulate the flow of vehicles and pedestrians on the road to prevent accidents. Violations of these rules can result in penalties, fines, or charges depending on the severity of the violation.

Example sentences using: infringir las normas de tráfico

Es crucial no infringir las normas de tráfico para la seguridad de todos.

English translation of Es crucial no infringir las normas de tráfico para la seguridad de todos.

It is crucial not to break traffic rules for everyone's safety.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of correctly following traffic rules for the safety of all road users.

Si decides infringir las normas de tráfico, podrías enfrentarte a multas caras.

English translation of Si decides infringir las normas de tráfico, podrías enfrentarte a multas caras.

If you decide to break traffic rules, you could face expensive fines.

This phrase refers to the monetary consequences (fines) that one could face when they choose not to follow traffic rules.

El conductor, desafortunadamente, decidió infringir las normas de tráfico y tuvo un accidente.

English translation of El conductor, desafortunadamente, decidió infringir las normas de tráfico y tuvo un accidente.

The driver, unfortunately, decided to break traffic rules and had an accident.

This phrase is a narrative, illustrating a circumstance where a driver made the decision to break traffic rules and, as a result, had an accident.