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infringir la ley

English translation of infringir la ley

violation of the law

The Spanish phrase 'infringir la ley' translates to 'violation of the law' in English. It is used in contexts where someone breaks or disobeys the law. The verb 'infringir' means 'to violate' or 'to infringe', and 'la ley' means 'the law'. Combining these, you get the phrase 'violation of the law'. This is often used in legal and formal contexts, and can refer to a wide range of actions, from minor offenses to major crimes.

Example sentences using: infringir la ley

Es importante conocer las consecuencias antes de decidir infringir la ley.

English translation of Es importante conocer las consecuencias antes de decidir infringir la ley.

It's important to know the consequences before deciding to break the law.

This phrase advises on the importance of being aware of what could happen if one chooses to engage in illegal activities.

Infringir la ley puede resultar en una multa o incluso en tiempo de cárcel.

English translation of Infringir la ley puede resultar en una multa o incluso en tiempo de cárcel.

Breaking the law can result in a fine or even jail time.

This sentence talks about the possible penalties that might occur as a result of unlawful actions which may include monetary punishments or imprisonment.

A pesar de las advertencias, algunos deciden infringir la ley.

English translation of A pesar de las advertencias, algunos deciden infringir la ley.

Despite the warnings, some decide to break the law.

This expression reflects on the fact that despite being cautioned about the potential effects, there are individuals who still choose to act against legal regulations.

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