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infringir el código de circulación

English translation of infringir el código de circulación

to violate the highway code

The Spanish phrase 'infringir el código de circulación' translates to 'to violate the highway code' in English. It refers to the act of not complying with the rules and regulations established for navigating roads, streets or highways. Purposely or unintentionally, such an act can lead to legal implications such as fines, penalties, or even more severe punishments depending on the severity of the violation and the laws of the respective country.

Example sentences using: infringir el código de circulación

Si continuas infringiendo el código de circulación, podrías perder tu licencia de conducir.

English translation of Si continuas infringiendo el código de circulación, podrías perder tu licencia de conducir.

If you continue to violate the traffic code, you could lose your driver's license.

This phrase warns about the possible consequences (losing the driving license) of continuously violating traffic laws.

La policía me detuvo por infringir el código de circulación.

English translation of La policía me detuvo por infringir el código de circulación.

The police stopped me for breaking the traffic code.

This sentence describes a scenario where one is stopped by the police for violating traffic laws.

Es necesario tener mucho cuidado para no infringir el código de circulación cuando conduces.

English translation of Es necesario tener mucho cuidado para no infringir el código de circulación cuando conduces.

It is necessary to be very careful not to break the traffic code when you drive.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of careful driving to prevent violating traffic laws.