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English translation of inflamación


The Spanish word 'inflamación' translates to 'inflammation' in English. This term is used in the medical field to refer to a part of the body that has become red, swollen and often painful due to injury or infection. It is a typical reaction of the body to defend itself against harmful stimuli. Inflammation may occur due to various reasons which include external injuries like cuts, scraps and foreign elements like splinters; or internal issues like an immune response to an infectious disease, an allergic reaction, or autoimmune diseases.

Example sentences using: inflamación

La inflamación es un signo típico de una infección.

English translation of La inflamación es un signo típico de una infección.

Inflammation is a typical sign of infection.

In this sentence, 'inflamación' is used to denote a physiological condition that is typically associated with infections. It is an important term in medical contexts and it reflects the body's response to harmful stimuli.

El médico dijo que la inflamación debería reducirse en una semana.

English translation of El médico dijo que la inflamación debería reducirse en una semana.

The doctor said the inflammation should reduce in a week.

In this example, 'inflamación' is used within a time-based suggestion given by a doctor. This suggests that there has been a treatment and the inflammation is expected to go down within a specified period.

El frío puede ayudar a aliviar la inflamación.

English translation of El frío puede ayudar a aliviar la inflamación.

The cold can help alleviate inflammation.

In this sentence, 'inflamación' is a condition that is being alleviated by the cool temperature. It implies an action that can be done to manage inflammation symptoms.

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