currency inflation
'Inflación de la moneda' is a Spanish term that translates to 'currency inflation' in English. It refers to the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, purchasing power is falling. This is generally due to an excessive amount of money in relation to the supply of goods, causing the value of money to fall and prices to rise. Central banks attempt to limit inflation, and avoid deflation, in order to keep the economy running smoothly.
Currency inflation can cause serious economic problems.
This sentence is stating a reality about economics, that if a currency is devalued too much (inflation), it can lead to serious issues in the economy, such as lower purchasing power and reduced economic growth.
Inappropriate government policies can lead to currency inflation.
This sentence indicates that not all governance is beneficial, especially when it leads to the devaluation of a nation's currency. Policies that lead to greater inflation can be harmful, as they lower the currency's purchasing power.
To achieve stability, currency inflation must be controlled.
This sentence is explaining the importance of controlling inflation for economic stability. Inflation can create uncertainty and instability, so managing it effectively is crucial for the stability of an economy.