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English translation of ineptitud


The Spanish word 'ineptitud' translates to 'ineptitude' in English. This is a noun that refers to a lack of skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment. It's often used to critique a person's ability to accomplish a task or do a job effectively. It can also be used more broadly to describe a general lack of ability or knowledge in something. This word comes from the Latin 'ineptus' which combines 'in-' (not) and 'aptus' (fit, suitable).

Example sentences using: ineptitud

La ineptitud de Javier es frustrante.

English translation of La ineptitud de Javier es frustrante.

Javier's ineptitude is frustrating.

This sentence expresses frustration towards someone named Javier's incompetence.

La ineptitud a menudo conduce a la mediocridad.

English translation of La ineptitud a menudo conduce a la mediocridad.

Ineptitude often leads to mediocrity.

This phrase suggests that being incompetent often results in mediocre outcomes.

La ineptitud es un problema común en muchas empresas.

English translation of La ineptitud es un problema común en muchas empresas.

Ineptitude is a common problem in many companies.

This sentence generalizes that many companies suffer from incompetence.

La ineptitud del chef arruinó la cena.

English translation of La ineptitud del chef arruinó la cena.

The chef's ineptitude ruined the dinner.

This sentence blames a chef's incompetence for a ruined dinner.

La ineptitud de esta administración es sorprendente.

English translation of La ineptitud de esta administración es sorprendente.

The ineptitude of this administration is surprising.

This sentence expresses surprise at an administration's incompetence.

Su ineptitud para el trabajo es evidente.

English translation of Su ineptitud para el trabajo es evidente.

His ineptitude for the job is evident.

This sentence notes someone's inability to perform a certain job well.

La ineptitud del gobierno nos está llevando a la ruina.

English translation of La ineptitud del gobierno nos está llevando a la ruina.

The government's ineptitude is leading us to ruin.

This statement criticizes a government's incompetence, suggesting it will lead to negative outcomes.

La ineptitud del equipo resultó en una derrota aplastante.

English translation of La ineptitud del equipo resultó en una derrota aplastante.

The team's ineptitude resulted in a crushing defeat.

This statement suggests that a team lost badly due to their incompetence.

La ineptitud no puede ser ignorada.

English translation of La ineptitud no puede ser ignorada.

Ineptitude cannot be ignored.

This sentence asserts that incompetence should not be overlooked.

La ineptitud es la causa de muchos fracasos.

English translation of La ineptitud es la causa de muchos fracasos.

Ineptitude is the cause of many failures.

This statement declares that incompetence often leads to failure.

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