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industria competitiva

English translation of industria competitiva

competitive industry

The term 'industria competitiva' in Spanish translates to 'competitive industry' in English. A competitive industry is an industry characterized by a large number of firms, each of which has a small proportion of the market share. There is a high level of competition in such industries, and no single firm has significant market power. In a competitive industry, all companies are price takers and must accept the prevailing market price. These conditions contribute towards constant innovation, product development, and competitive pricing as firms strive to maintain or increase their market share.

Example sentences using: industria competitiva

La industria competitiva es un motor importante para la economía de nuestro país.

English translation of La industria competitiva es un motor importante para la economía de nuestro país.

The competitive industry is an important engine for our country's economy.

This sentence is expressing how vital a competitive industry sector can be beneficial for the economy of a country. It highlights the significance of competition in the industry as an economic driving force.

Es difícil mantenerse a la vanguardia en una industria competitiva sin innovación constante.

English translation of Es difícil mantenerse a la vanguardia en una industria competitiva sin innovación constante.

It is difficult to remain at the forefront in a competitive industry without constant innovation.

This sentence is referring to the challenge of staying leading or being on the 'cutting edge' in a competitive industry sector. It underscores the need for continuous innovation to survive in a highly competitive environment.

En la industria competitiva de hoy, las empresas deben adaptarse rápidamente a los cambios.

English translation of En la industria competitiva de hoy, las empresas deben adaptarse rápidamente a los cambios.

In today's competitive industry, businesses must quickly adapt to changes.

This sentence conveys how the current industry dynamic demands quick adaptation from businesses to stay competitive. It suggests that in the face of rapid changes, only those businesses that can adapt quickly will survive in a competitive industry.

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