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English translation of indisposición


The Spanish word 'indisposición' translates to 'indisposition' in English. Generally, it refers to a state of being slightly unwell or in poor health. It's often used to describe a minor illness which is not serious in nature, such as a mild cold or a temporary bout of fatigue. However, it can also indicate a lack of willingness or readiness to do something.

Example sentences using: indisposición

No fui a trabajar debido a una indisposición.

English translation of No fui a trabajar debido a una indisposición.

I did not go to work due to an indisposition.

Here, 'indisposición' describes an undescribed sickness or ailment that has prevented the speaker from going to work.

¿Cómo superaste tu indisposición tan rápido?

English translation of ¿Cómo superaste tu indisposición tan rápido?

How did you overcome your indisposition so quickly?

In this context, 'indisposición' applies to a recent illness or problem that the speaker is asking about, showing surprise at its quick resolution.

Estoy con una indisposición estomacal.

English translation of Estoy con una indisposición estomacal.

I am with a stomach indisposition.

In this sentence, 'indisposición' is used to refer to a state of illness, specifically a problem with the stomach.

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