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índice de natalidad

English translation of índice de natalidad

birth rate

The term 'índice de natalidad' in Spanish refers to the 'birth rate' in English. The birth rate is a demographic measure of population, usually expressed as the number of live births per thousand population per year. It is frequently used in public health, demography, economics, and geography for planning and resource allocation. The Spanish term 'índice' means 'index' or 'rate', and 'natalidad' means 'natality' or 'birth', which together translate to 'birth rate'.

Example sentences using: índice de natalidad

El índice de natalidad en nuestro país ha disminuido significativamente en los últimos años.

English translation of El índice de natalidad en nuestro país ha disminuido significativamente en los últimos años.

The birth rate in our country has significantly decreased in recent years.

This sentence is stating a fact about a decrease in the birth rate, which is the number of live births per 1,000 population, in a particular country over recent years.

Si el índice de natalidad supera al índice de mortalidad, la población del país aumentará.

English translation of Si el índice de natalidad supera al índice de mortalidad, la población del país aumentará.

If the birth rate exceeds the mortality rate, the country's population will increase.

This sentence is discussing the direct relationship between birth rates and mortality rates and their impact on a country's population. If a country has a higher birth rate than mortality rate, it will experience population growth.

A menudo, las políticas gubernamentales afectan el índice de natalidad de una nación.

English translation of A menudo, las políticas gubernamentales afectan el índice de natalidad de una nación.

Often, government policies affect a nation's birth rate.

This sentence is stating that governmental policies often have an effect on a nation's birth rate - meaning governmental decisions can have direct impacts on demographic trends.

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