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English translation of incluir


The Spanish word 'incluir' is used to denote the act of including, incorporating, or adding something as part of something else, similar to its English counterpart 'include'. It is widely used in different contexts whether in general conversation, written language, and even formal usage. However, it's important to be aware that the verbs' conjugation changes according to the tense and subject.

Example sentences using: incluir

Debes incluir tus datos personales en el formulario.

English translation of Debes incluir tus datos personales en el formulario.

You should include your personal data in the form.

This phrase instructs the user to provide their personal details in a given form, using the verb 'incluir' to signify adding or incorporating this data.

Quiero incluir a mi hermano en la lista de invitados.

English translation of Quiero incluir a mi hermano en la lista de invitados.

I want to include my brother on the guest list.

In this sentence, the speaker wants to add their brother to a list of people invited to an event. 'Incluir' is used here to express the addition of a person into a group.

Voy a incluir estos ingredientes en la receta.

English translation of Voy a incluir estos ingredientes en la receta.

I'm going to include these ingredients in the recipe.

This phrase includes the act of adding specific food items to a recipe, suggested by the verb 'incluir'.

El paquete debe incluir instrucciones de montaje.

English translation of El paquete debe incluir instrucciones de montaje.

The package should include assembly instructions.

This sentence implies that assembly instructions are a necessary component that ought to be incorporated in the package.

Vamos a incluir nuevos productos en nuestro catálogo.

English translation of Vamos a incluir nuevos productos en nuestro catálogo.

We're going to include new products in our catalog.

In this case, 'incluir' describes the addition of new items to an existing product catalog.

Nuestra meta es incluir a todos en la conversación.

English translation of Nuestra meta es incluir a todos en la conversación.

Our goal is to include everyone in the conversation.

Here, 'incluir' means to make sure that every person is able to participate or contribute in a discussion.

Deberíamos incluir más vegetales en nuestra dieta.

English translation of Deberíamos incluir más vegetales en nuestra dieta.

We should include more vegetables in our diet.

This phrase uses 'incluir' to suggest that more vegetables should be incorporated into a daily intake of food for better health.

El precio incluye el servicio a domicilio.

English translation of El precio incluye el servicio a domicilio.

The price includes home delivery service.

In this statement, 'incluir' signifies that the home delivery service is part of the total price.

Es importante incluir referencias en tu trabajo académico.

English translation of Es importante incluir referencias en tu trabajo académico.

It's important to include references in your academic work.

In the academic context, this phrase suggests that references to cited works should be embedded or 'included' in the content produced.

Necesito incluir una nota en el envío.

English translation of Necesito incluir una nota en el envío.

I need to include a note in the shipment.

The verb 'incluir' here refers to the addition of a written message or note that should be sent along with a shipment.

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