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English translation of imprudencia


The Spanish word 'imprudencia' translates to 'imprudence' in English. This term refers to a lack of caution or care, often leading to hasty decisions or rash actions that might result in undesirable consequences. It is commonly used in situations where someone acts without thinking or considering the potential outcomes, demonstrating a disregard for potential risks or negative effects. It might be utilized in various contexts, such as personal behavior, financial decisions, or safety measures.

Example sentences using: imprudencia

Fue una imprudencia no llevar una chaqueta en este frío.

English translation of Fue una imprudencia no llevar una chaqueta en este frío.

It was reckless not to wear a jacket in this cold.

This example shows how the term 'imprudencia' can be used to denote an unwise action, in this case, not wearing a jacket in cold weather.

La imprudencia de Juan durante la conducción resultó en un accidente.

English translation of La imprudencia de Juan durante la conducción resultó en un accidente.

Juan's recklessness while driving resulted in an accident.

In this instance, 'imprudencia' is used to describe careless behavior, specifically, Juan's recklessness that caused an accident.

El correr en la piscina es una imprudencia que puede resultar en lesiones.

English translation of El correr en la piscina es una imprudencia que puede resultar en lesiones.

Running in the pool is a recklessness that can result in injuries.

This sentence demonstrates how 'imprudencia' can be used to talk about a reckless activity, such as running in the pool, that can lead to injuries.

La imprudencia de no estudiar para el examen te puede costar la materia.

English translation of La imprudencia de no estudiar para el examen te puede costar la materia.

The recklessness of not studying for the exam can cost you the subject.

Here, 'imprudencia' is used to describe a careless decision, specifically, not studying for an exam, which might result in failing the subject.

Es una imprudencia manejar sin cinturón de seguridad.

English translation of Es una imprudencia manejar sin cinturón de seguridad.

It is reckless to drive without a seat belt.

This sentence uses 'imprudencia' to describe a reckless behavior, in this case, driving without a seat belt.

La imprudencia de no llevar agua en un viaje por el desierto puede ser mortal.

English translation of La imprudencia de no llevar agua en un viaje por el desierto puede ser mortal.

The recklessness of not carrying water on a desert trip can be deadly.

In this example, 'imprudencia' is used to refer to a careless action - not bringing water to a desert trip - that could have fatal consequences.

Ignorar las señales de aviso fue una imprudencia que pudo haber resultado en un desastre.

English translation of Ignorar las señales de aviso fue una imprudencia que pudo haber resultado en un desastre.

Ignoring warning signs was a recklessness that could have resulted in a disaster.

This sentence shows how 'imprudencia' can be used to describe a reckless action, specifically ignoring warning signs, that could potentially lead to a disaster.

Tomó una imprudencia al aceptar ese trabajo sin investigar la empresa primero.

English translation of Tomó una imprudencia al aceptar ese trabajo sin investigar la empresa primero.

He took a recklessness in accepting that job without researching the company first.

Here, 'imprudencia' is used to highlight a careless action, like accepting a job without first researching about the company.

La imprudencia de saltarse la dieta puede estropear tus esfuerzos para perder peso.

English translation of La imprudencia de saltarse la dieta puede estropear tus esfuerzos para perder peso.

The recklessness of skipping the diet can spoil your efforts to lose weight.

This sentence uses 'imprudencia' to refer to a reckless behavior, that is, skipping one's diet, which can ruin their weight loss efforts.

Hacer una broma sobre el jefe frente a él fue una imprudencia.

English translation of Hacer una broma sobre el jefe frente a él fue una imprudencia.

Making a joke about the boss in front of him was a recklessness.

In this sentence, 'imprudencia' is used to point out a reckless action, particularly making a joke about the boss while he is present.

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