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English translation of improvisar


The Spanish word 'improvisar' translates to 'improvise' in English. It is a verb often used when someone needs to spontaneously create or alter something in an unplanned situation. It is about being flexible and creative in the moment to solve a problem or meet a need. An example in use could be: 'No planee mi discurso, tuve que improvisar', meaning 'I did not plan my speech, I had to improvise.'

Example sentences using: improvisar

A veces tenemos que improvisar para resolver los problemas.

English translation of A veces tenemos que improvisar para resolver los problemas.

Sometimes we have to improvise to solve problems.

This sentence means that occasionally, unexpected situations might occur and one has to adjust plans and actions accordingly, often instantaneously, to address the issues at hand. The term 'improvisar' is used here to imply spontaneous or unplanned actions to tackle problems.

El chef decidió improvisar con los ingredientes que tenía a la mano.

English translation of El chef decidió improvisar con los ingredientes que tenía a la mano.

The chef decided to improvise with the ingredients he had on hand.

In this sentence, 'improvisar' is used in the context of cooking. It signifies that the chef did not follow a pre-determined recipe, but instead spontaneously decided to create a dish using the ingredients that were readily available.

El pianista puede improvisar una melodía hermosa.

English translation of El pianista puede improvisar una melodía hermosa.

The pianist can improvise a beautiful melody.

This sentence uses 'improvisar' in a musical context. It means that the pianist is skilled enough to spontaneously or instantly create a beautiful tune without any prior preparation or sheet music to follow, highlighting the artist's creativity and talent.

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