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imprimir un libro

English translation of imprimir un libro

print a book

The Spanish phrase 'imprimir un libro' translates to 'print a book' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when you want to have a manuscript printed into a hard copy or when you want to replicate a book via a printing press. The verb 'imprimir' implies the act of printing, while 'un libro' is a singular form, referring to 'a book'.

Example sentences using: imprimir un libro

Voy a imprimir un libro para el proyecto de la escuela.

English translation of Voy a imprimir un libro para el proyecto de la escuela.

I am going to print a book for the school project.

In this Spanish sentence, the speaker is planning to create a physical book by printing it out for the purpose of a school project. The future action of printing the book is represented by 'Voy a imprimir un libro'.

¿Podrías ayudarme a imprimir un libro?

English translation of ¿Podrías ayudarme a imprimir un libro?

Could you help me print a book?

This Spanish sentence is requesting assistance from another person to print a book. It's a polite request for help, where '¿Podrías ayudarme a imprimir un libro?' is asking for a favor in printing the book.

Me gusta el olor del papel cuando termino de imprimir un libro.

English translation of Me gusta el olor del papel cuando termino de imprimir un libro.

I like the smell of paper when I finish printing a book.

This Spanish sentence shares the speaker's appreciation for the aroma of paper once a book has been printed. 'Me gusta el olor del papel cuando termino de imprimir un libro.' signifies that the speaker likes the sensory experience related to printing a book.

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